Szoboszló Folk Weekend

22-24 July 2022

Szoboszló Folk Weekend – folk music and folk art festival in Hajdúszoboszló

Folk art and folk dance shall be in the focus during the last weekend of July. In the colourful commotion the masters of folk art await people interested with a wide variety of performances in the street of craftsmen. In the evenings folk bands, soloists, dancers of national and international reputation will make the evening really memorable. All the three evenings the programs will end with a “dance house”, where everybody may join the dancers.


open air stage and square in front of the Bell House

How to plan your route:

  1. Click on the link “útvonaltervezés” (route planning) on the map:
  2. Type your address into the “A” field below the map:
  3. Click on the “Irányok lekérdezése” (Get directions) button!