
2014. July 23.

Water adventures

Impressive bathing at Hajdúszoboszló at Aqua Palace for the whole family every day of the year.

The three-storey Aqua-Palace waterpark consisting of two buildings, with an area of 15 000 m2, welcomes guests for bathing and entertainment during the whole year. As a part of Europe’s biggest bathing complex the waterpark also guarantees unique experiences, since 8 of the 20 pools, which are located on the ground floor recalls eight different eras, while the first floor is an aquatic realm for children, with baby swimming pool, play area and pools with slides.

The second floor has a swimming pool, which is an architectural wonder, and swimming also feels great on this floor since the entire pool area is flooded with light under the glass roof.

The surf building of the waterpark offers relaxation for those interested in sport. Because in this part of the building visitors can try a variety of sports. For instance: Spinning, Squash, Yoga, Pilates, Kangoo. You may inquire about the current programs and prices of the fitness services at the reception of Aqua-Palace or at: 06 52/558-558 sub. 302 Read more

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2014. February 13.

Machine Exhibition

(HU) Régi motorok, mezőgazdasági gépek, és egyéb tárgyak tárlata tekinthető meg a Géptárban.
A Géptár Múzeumomban Mogyorós József egyéni gyűjtő által összegyűjtött, feljavított oldtimer autók, öreg motorkerékpárok, kerékpárok, mezőgazdasági gépek (traktorok), stabil motorok (Lokomobilok) és egyéb más használati tárgyak, lovas eszközök láthatóak.

A múzeum tárlataiban szereplő tárgyak között jármű ritkaságok is szerepelnek, melyek egy tudatos gyűjtés eredményeként menekülhettek meg a bezúzástól, beolvasztástól.

Az itt látható régi műszaki, közlekedési és mezőgazdasági használati tárgyak, gépek között még most is található olyan, mely működik, így a Géptárban látható veterán járművek akár ki is bérelhetőek. Read more

2011. February 2.

Bocskai István Museum

The Bocskai Museum is located in the old town centre of Hajdúszoboszló on the street named after the monarch.
An agricultural-history exhibition may be visited in the garden of the Bocskai Museum which presents the continuous technical development starting from the 1800’s. Additional unique attractions are the aluminium bells of Edit Oborzil and he husband Tibor Jeney, which they have donated to Hajdúszoboszló as a legacy. The bells of the city’s symbolic bell hall are also part of this collection.

The main building of the multi-building Bocskai Museum is home to a permanent historical exhibition presenting the history of Hajdúszoboszló. A unique rarity of the museum is the Bocskai-flag which has been donated to the hajdu soldiers and remained among the items of the Bocskai István Museum up to this day as a representative of great value. As a reminiscent of the past the emblem on the flag may also be seen on the charter of the hajdú’s of Szoboszló, and on the emblem of today’s Hajdúszoboszló.

The exhibition is very diverse holding the painting of István Bocskai principal which is the artwork of János Szűcs, with objects, battle relics and the tangible relics of the famous Ernő Szép and Ferenc Pávai Vajna who were born in the city. As additional curiosity, a collection of insects and butterflies characteristic to the Hajdúsági countryside may be viewed.

As a part of the Bocskai Museum, but in a separate building the Museum Gallery may be visited, where the heritage of the artists: Gusztáv Cseh and László Szombati welcomes visitors.

Exhibitions currently available:
Regional historical exhibition/ the hajdu settling of István Bocskai and the history of the hajdú city
Folk Art exhibition/ Permanent exhibition of the folk art of the Hajdúság and folk artists living in Hajdúszoboszló
Museum Gallery/ Permanent exhibition of Gusztáv Cseh graphic artist from Kolozsvár and Miskolci László painter, who was born in Hajdúszoboszló. The yard holds a temporary outdoor headstone exhibition with the title “8 hours of work, 8 hours of rest, 8 hours of entertainment” – everyday life in the Kádár-era. Read more