
InformationOpening hours
  • All year
  • OpenClosing: 19:00
    • Wednesday (today) 07:00-19:00
    • Thursday 07:00-19:00
    • Friday 07:00-19:00
    • Saturday 07:00-19:00
    • Sunday 07:00-19:00
    • Monday 07:00-19:00
    • Tuesday 07:00-19:00
PricesAvailabilityTicket purchase

Discover all the experiences!

Open-air bathClosed
Open seasonally: May 01 - September 30

Open-air bath

This 30 hectare bath offers unique experiences with its Mediterranean sea side and its 13 pools including the pools called Wave, Bubble, Children, Training and Omega.
Open seasonally: June 15 - September 30


The Aquapark is a real chute paradise. Its offer includes the chutes called: Huge, Hydro, Multichute, Kamikaze, Black Hole, Crazy River, Big Hole, Twister and Niagara.
Premium ZonaClosed
Open seasonally: June 15 - September 30

Premium Zona

The Premium Zone is an attractive outdoor wellness spa with special, unique water experiences and comfortable wellness services.
All year


Aqua-Palace awaits those wishing to rest with covered thematic pools, chutes, child friendly services and with a wide variety of programs, in the winter as well.