Machine Exhibition

Basic information

Opening hours

Monday-Wednesday-Friday: From 9:00 to 16:00
On phone other terms can be arranged as well.
Please call the following number:
+36 30/943-7294

Entrance fee

1000 Forints/person


+36 30/943-7294
Hajdúszoboszló, Árpád street 1.

In the exhibiton rare vehicles can also be found, which were saved from demolition thanks to a conscious collecting.

Old motorbikes, bicycles, agricultural machines(trucks), stable engines(Lokomobiles) and other objects riding tools can be seen in the Machine Exhibition, which were assembled by József Mogyorós private collector.

Amongst the items of the collection there are old means of transport and agricultural devices, machines, which are still functional, thus they can be even rented as well.


Géptár Árpád utca 1, Magyarország

How to plan your route:
  1. Click on the link “útvonaltervezés” (route planning) on the map:
  2. Type your address into the “A” field below the map:
  3. Click on the “Irányok lekérdezése” (Get directions) button!