Greek Catholic Church

Useful information


29/a. ground floor, Szilfákalja str. Hajdúszoboszló
phone: +36 52/610-831

Liturgical schedule

Monday to Friday:
08.00 Holy Liturgy

Sunday and holidays:
09.30 Morning worship
10.00 Holy Liturgy

Hajdúszoboszló’s Greek Catholic Church is located in the city centre, at 4, Szilfákalja str. in the neighbourhood of Kovács Máté Community Centre.

The church – which is also the youngest church of Hajdúszoboszló – was built buy the city’s Greek Catholic community in 1994. The designer was István Lengyel who applied both modern materials and Byzantine architectural marks at the same time. Thus Hajdúszoboszló gained a new architectural heritage, in which the modern architecture and ancient art collide. The icons that decorate the interior of the church are the works of Aranka Latorcainé Újházi. The church is open to visitors.

Pictures about the church

Map, accessibility

4200 Hajdúszoboszló
Szilfákalja 4.

How to plan your route:
  1. Click on the link “útvonaltervezés” (route planning) on the map:
  2. Type your address into the “A” field below the map:
  3. Click on the “Irányok lekérdezése” (Get directions) button!