Reformed Church

Useful information

Church opening hours

between 15th March and 30th September
from 10:00am to 12:00pm
and between 3:00pm and 5:00 pm.

Office hours

From Monday to Friday daily between
8:00 am and 12:00 pm


9 Kálvin square, Hajdúszoboszló
telefon: +36 52 361-243;

Hajdúszoboszló’s oldest historic buildings are the local reformed church and the remains of the city fort wall that lie beside it.

These buildings are also the city’s symbol collectively. The reformed church was built in the Baroque style in the early 1700’s. Its enlargement took place in the year 1818. The builders used the stylistic marks of classicism during the process.

The church building had been completely renovated in 2000. Several old reminiscent relics may be found in the building, like the Chair of Moses from 1816 or the pulpit cloth from 1937 on which the emblem of the city is embroidered. Besides religious services the church is also home to concerts and choral nights on several occasions.

The reformed church of Hajdúszoboszló also welcomes bathing guests arriving to the city. One of the unique initiatives of the church is the map of Great Hungary where each brother who arrived from afar marks their hometown with a pin after the service. The magnitude of the church and faith is also symbolized by the many-many pins that can be found on the map. The church accepts visitors during the opening hours, or exclusively by prior appointment.

Congregational services

Sunday 10 am – Worship at the church
Sunday 10 am – Children’s worship service at the pastoral office
Sunday 5 pm – Worship at the church
(Temporarily: Reformed Church Mission Senior House, 61-65 Major st.)
Tuesday – Thursday – Saturday 8 am– Morning devotion in the pastor’s office
Tuesday 5 pm– Morning devotions at the pastoral office
Sunday 5 pm – Worship at the church
Wednesday 5 pm – Choir meeting at ANNA home
Thursday 5 pm – Bible study in the church hall
Friday 5 pm – At ANNA home:
Week 1 – Pastoral conversation guided by the Word
Week 2– Quiet hour in the blessings of the weekly Word
Week 3 – Christian night – faith, religion, literature, art
Week 4– Family afternoon for young married couples, parents, children
Saturday 10 am– Confirmation education at the church hall
Saturday 11 am – Youth group meeting at the church hall
The first Monday of every month at 6 pm – Presbyterian Bible study
The first Thursday of every month at 3 pm – Women’s meeting
The third Thursday of every month at 3 pm – Leprosy mission
Wednesday 2 pm – Diaconal meeting

Pictures about the church

Map, accessibility

4200 Hajdúszoboszló,
Kálvin tér 9

How to plan your route:
  1. Click on the link “útvonaltervezés” (route planning) on the map:
  2. Type your address into the “A” field below the map:
  3. Click on the “Irányok lekérdezése” (Get directions) button!