
The most popular health oriented services of our days are wellness services, which represent a special feature of the offer of Hajdúszoboszló as well.

The most popular health oriented services of our days are wellness services, which represent a special feature of the offer of Hajdúszoboszló as well. The wellness offer of the spa city awaits its guests with complex treatments and programs.

We wish to raise your attention to the wellness services of the spa complex of Hajdúszoboszló and the other wellness services that are offered by the city, with the intention of presenting a Tourist Image of Hajdúszoboszló through the glasses of its wellness services. Our offer proves that our city is a committed believer of health conscious life style, and it does provide a wide variety of modern options of bathing, resting-recreation, and physical movement!

Have a glance at our „Wellness” special edition:

1. Prevention with the aid of wellness

In our days prevention plays a primary role in preserving health and avoiding sicknesses. Wellness based living offers different opportunities for prevention and for establishing the appropriate life style. The expression wellness means for us health preserving programs customised to the needs of our guest. Therefore, thanks to the wellness life style, on the occasion of resting and recreation, our guests may select not only from the offers of bathing, massages and saunas, but they may even choose a beauty cure or an active physical movement program, which may also serve the health of our guest.

2. The worlds of the baths of Hajdúszoboszló

Aqua-Palace – a covered adventure bath Since March 2010 the bath complex of Hajdúszoboszló was extended with a new attraction. The Aqua-Palace, a covered adventure bath awaits the guests throughout the year, not only with many kinds of bathing options but with wellness and fitness services as well. The ice cave, the Ganges, the Rome, the sea, the cave and the tropical baths provide comfortable services for the guests with different bubble torrents and massaging elements in addition to bathing. The two spa pools of the complex are the Mozi //Cinema// and the Pávai Vajna baths. The sauna world of the complex awaits the fans of wellness with Finnish and infra saunas, a steam cabin and pleasant cold pools.

3. The adventure of saunas

Sauna bathing is one of the indispensable parts of the wellness life style. Sauna bathing is the simplest form of detoxication. It assists us in preserving our health and vitality. It has further beneficial effects: it improves vascular circulation, strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, cleans the skin, and it reduces the appetite significantly.

The guests arriving to Hajdúszoboszló will certainly be able to experiment with the beneficial effects of the Finnish and infra saunas and steam baths through the wellness offers of the Hungarospa bath complex and the wellness offers of the larger hotels.

The adventure of sauna bathing may be tried through another way with the aid of the Dermalife capsule. This machine merges the advantageous effects of steam, infra, aroma and colour therapies, with vibration massaging applied during the treatment. This invention may significantly contribute to detoxication and slimming and to the treatment of cellulitis.

It is not recommended in the case of cardiac and respiratory problems, high blood pressure, kidney problems, nervous system diseases, pregnancy, open wounds, injuries and cysts.

4. Tender massages

In the world of wellness one of the most well known methods of releasing stress is the application of different massages. The tourist services providers of Hajdúszoboszló do await their guests with an abundant offer in this area as well. The most well known massages include the refreshing massage and the sole massage, however, in addition to these there are other special therapies that may be tried.

The Shiatsu Japanese massage is one of the best tension releasing methods that has other beneficial impacts as well. The Ayurveda massage uses the power of herbs for curing. During the therapy the appropriate effect is achieved by rubbing into the skin the natural active agents, which have been cooked in oil and packed into small bags. The most well known element of the wellness offer is the lava stone massage, which is able to heal our bodies with the aid of hot stones. This treatment combines massaging and aroma therapy. The Thai massage removes tension with an Eastern massage method at the acupuncture points of the body. As a result of this massage technique the body completely relaxes, and a balance is established between the different parts of the body.

The above list contains only some of the wellness therapies that serve the preservation of health. In their long list everybody may find the adventure and the health providing program that is appropriate for him/her.

5. Wellness therapies

In the wellness hotels of Hajdúszoboszló it is possible to request personalised treatment packages as well. The complex wellness programs of the hotels are defined by target groups and specific demands. These program may have specific features customised to families, health preservation, detoxication, tendering, stress-releasing or even to exotic services.

The content of complex packages provides wellness services with merging the offers of the hotels. These packages may include as core elements – in addition to bathing – different types of massages, tender aroma baths, active movement programs, mental training events and beauty therapies as well.

Wellness therapy treatments may be requested in the form of pre-defined packages or customised to person as well. The selected hotel is always able to provide more detailed information on ordering and developing the packages.

6. On the move

Fitness covers a life style in which one strengthens the internal and external harmony of the human body with the aid of the different forms of physical movement, which allows us to become healthier and more attractive. The basis of fitness is active physical movement, upon the impact of which our body and mind becomes harmonised, and our life becomes healthier and more complete. The majority of the hotels of Hajdúszoboszló have fitness rooms equipped with different fitness machines. It is also possible to undertake physical exercises even in the framework of organised programs, e.g. in the framework of aerobic or fitball. The fitness section of the new covered Aqua-Palace adventure bath awaits those interested with offering squash, spinning, kangoo, aqua-fitness and other fitness programs. Aquafitness is a water sport that is appropriate for everybody independently of age and gender. In addition to its body forming impact it does not stress the joints during physical movement, and by moving the muscles thoroughly it strengthens the body without any stress.

7. Healthy nutrition

In our days everybody wishing to stay healthy pays attention to what he/she eats. Our traditional Hungarian dishes are present in a large number not only on the menu cards but on our plates as well. Healthy nutrition does not mean that we have to give up these delicious Hungarian dishes, but it means that one has to pay attention to the quality of the raw material and the way the dishes are prepared.

The gastronomic offers of Hajdúszoboszló are developed by excellent chefs, who – in line with the modern trends – prepare the dishes with an abundant variety of excellent flavours. The healthy and delicious dishes are prepared from high quality vegetable, fruit, meat and fish raw materials. The experts do pay attention to meeting the special demands as well, in addition to applying modern kitchen technologies and preparing delicious dishes. There are healthy meals offered for diabetes patients and for people having protein allergy or celiac disease.

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