
Treasures of Nationalities – Gastrofestival
Kick off the summer by gaining some unforgetable experiences in Hajdúszoboszló! The Treasures of Nationalities gastrofestival awaits You between the 16th and 19th of June. Apart from excellent tastes, various programmes will guarantee rejuvenation
16th of June
18:00 The paintings of creative staff of the 15 years old Hungarospa and Rév – opening of the exhibition
19:00 GRACEFUL-EVENING: Th show of Ildikó Bárdos folksinger and Kökényes Folkdance Group
17th of June, FRIDAY
17:00 Cultural shows – Local civil organizations
19:15 DONAU TRIO – Swabian musical show
20:00 The spectacle of DANUBIA GROUP and STUDIO11 – film scores
Venue: Open-air stage and GASTROSQUARE
18th of June, Saturday
17:00 EVIDANCE, DANCE AND SPORTS GROUP: acrobatic rock & roll show
17:30 4VOICES – jazz songs
18:30 KARAVÁN FAMÍLIA – romani family band
20:30 DOROGI – debut concert
19th of June, Sunday
10:00 HERKULES – child show – Grimm-Busz Theatre
11:00 MARGITAI BORISSZÁK – folksong ensemble
12:00 CIFRA BANDA (Transcarpathia)
ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMMES: fair and dishes of nationalities Read more
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National Restaurant Week
March 17-27 The National Restaurants Week will be held again, so we are waiting for you with a special 3-course menu offer!
Menu offer
4 900 Ft/ 3 course
Veal Carpaccio, Coriander Celery Salad and Cream Cheese Choux
Creamy Salmon Tart, Caper Cucumber Salad, Dill Foam
Lamb Bouillon, Pulled Meat, Celery Grits Dumplings
Salt Roasted Beet Soup with Camembert and Apples
Soy Duck Breast, Ginger Carrot Cream, Green Spiced Couscous
Spinach Fish Meatballs, Cottage Cheese Gnocchi, Smoked Kápia Pepper, Bacon Crumbs
Roasted Pork Jowl, Creamy Polenta, Vegetables Pickled with “Pork Nail Stew”
Avocado Risotto, Black Sesame Zucchini
Tropical Zabaglione
Cottage Cheese & Peaches, Lime Mousse
Marble Volcano, Pear Ragout
Peppered Strawberries, Coconut Mousse Read more

Szoboszló Grape Harvest Festival
It is the feast of excellent Hungarian wines where the tradition of harvesting becomes revived.
This celebration is intended to strengthen the relationship between wine, culture and gastronomy while keeping the traditions alive.
In addition to the dishes of Hajdúság region, on the festive table one can find excellent Hungarian
wines and spirits, too. Visitors can enjoy demanding programs and popular Hungarian artists can be viewed. Read more

Food Festival of Hajdúság
Within the framework of this event, Hajdúszoboszló, as a former city of Hajduk would like to introduce traditional dishes of Hajdúság to the visitors prepared based on original and modern recipes and offered by the local hosts. Read more

Pig Feast Days in Szoboszló
The series of the gastro-cultural events in 2018 opens with the first Pig Feast Days in Szoboszló. This event serves the purpose of maintaining our traditions, evoking the ambiance of the old pig feast days! Read more

Palinka and sausage savor Fest of Debrecen- Regional
(HU) 2021. szeptember 17. és 19. között a Debreczeni ZAMAT Fesztivál várja a finom ízek és a minőségi szórakozás kedvelőit a Nagyerdei Stadion északi rendezvényterén. Read more

Goose Feast of Marton’day
Goose Feast of Marton’day is being organized by the occassion of Martons day on he second week of November. Visitors may taste the latest wine offer of famous Hungarian wineries accompanied with gourmet bites of goose. The music and cultural event will be the last ceremony of the Feast where the participation is required to celebrate together this culinar event of 2023. Read more

The night of museums
(HU) Múzeumok Éjszakája alkalmából Hajdúszoboszlón, június 22-én számos program várja az érdeklődőket a Bocskai István Múzeumban.
A Bocskai Múzeum idén is izgalmas programokkal készül.
Találkozzunk a nyár leghosszabb éjszakáján a Bocskai Múzeumban!
Bocskai István Múzeum Hajdúszoboszló
Elérhetőség: 06-52/362-165 Read more

Mutton and ‘Slambuc’ Cooking Day
Mutton and ‘Slambuc’ Cooking Day in Hajdúszoboszló
Those interested may join one of the largest gastronomic events of the region in September each year. This occasion cannot be compared to any other cooking contest. Actually it is not a real contest, since here in each bowl there is a most delicious meal wobbling. The good spirit will be ensured by the organisers and the participants. The day of the great meetings will be accompanied by a spectacular cultural program. Read more

Organic Food and Wine Festival
It is a unique gastronomic event of Hungary on the occasion of which while tasting the food specialties, delicacies prepared at the site from bio materials one may get acquainted with the wines of excellent Hungarian wineries. The three day event is complemented with folk music and folk dance shows, light and classical music concerts, and accompanying programs popularising the bio life style. Health and wine – are united here!
The organizers uphold the rights for the change of the programs! Read more