Not only the spa but also catering is outstanding in Hajdúszoboszló

24. October 2016

I loved the flavours of Hajdúszoboszló already as a child; the dishes I got to know during my holidays in my childhood still belong to my favourite ones. From the menu, I often choose goulash soup and dill dishes filled with ewe cheese. During our holiday in Hajdúszoboszló, we dine always in a restaurant. We have some recurring stamping grounds, but, of course, we also like to try out new places and we have already found some favourite ones, too.
I can only recommend the tastes of Kemencés Tavern to all visitors of Hajdúszoboszló – its atmosphere is unique, as well. Their oven-baked flat bead served with cheese, sour cream and cracklings is simply divine to be the companion for drinking wine and have a conversation with our friends.
If you like the tastes of Hungarian gastronomy, you should definitely try the restaurant of Major Boarding House. Last time we ate here the chef’s favourite, which was very abundant: two of my favourites were served to me, Gipsy roast and Kiev chicken breast on a plate complemented with a mushroom slice – all these laid on a bed of vegetables with fried bacon and steak potatoes. It was amazing!
